hug So very sorry. A tough day…

@kdfrawg We have one of the Google audio chromecast things plugged into our decent hifi so we can play Spotify through it, works well. :-)

@kdfrawg I use Spotify. Multi-user seemed less confusing than Apple!

@kdfrawg :-) Our notsolittlegirlanymore…

Well, we hit one of those puppy milestones on Friday, leading to a slightly disrupted weekend…


I find focus on breathing helps, having practiced mindfulness meditation. Breathe in and out through your nose (ideally), and focus only on the feel of the air as it passes through your nostrils. Do that quite a few times, and once you've found it calming under normal circumstances you'll find it helpful when in an emotionally charged situation.

Loving the new update.. :-)

Back from a mid-birthday visit to Odette's sister (and more precisely, two nephews). Lily spent the weekend non-stop playing with her 'cousin' Ace. This was a rare moment of stillness!
