Seems perfectly reasonable to me! :-)

Somebody had to be moved before I could get into bed…

Good night Jason.. I hope you had a lovely first xmas with your son.. :-)

A nice news story for the festive season.

I think I have something in my eye..

Gorgeous colours!


And to you good sir…

OK, for them as what celebrates it, a Merry Christmas to you. Last night I went along to one of the local Catholic Church’s three Xmas Eve services. A new organ was recently donated and I wanted to hear it. That plus the new choir made for a most joyful celebration.

@kdfrawg :-)

Good article about PCalc's 25th Anniversary. 90% off for a limited time, both iOS and macOS..

Thanks Vanessa.. My parents arrived yesterday afternoon, so I was a bit rushed off my feet for the day.. :-)

I like Goodnotes for being able to change paper, and it has good handwriting search capabilities if you let it communicate with their servers, but I have that turned off for client confidentiality reasons.
I like the ‘feel’ of drawing / writing better in Notability, and you can manipulate diagrams more effectively there.

So I think very much on what fits for your use case - I still use both for different things..
