@literary :-( ~hug~ Make sure you keep up your fluid intake..
@thedan84 Congratulations.. It may not be an easy path, but I think any regrets will be shorter-lived and far fewer than if you'd stayed…
@hazardwarning Thanks Vanessa. As good a funeral as you get, nice to see some old workmates, but still feeling a little low. Maybe better after the weekend..
@literary Thank you.. It was a good funeral, or as good as they get, and nice to see some old friends out, but still feeling a little low. Doesn't help that tree pollen seems to be in overdrive, so my hayfever is running riot too!
@literary That's good. I've had a busy day - workshop this morning and my friend's funeral this afternoon.. :-s
@gtwilson Yep. And/or acknowledged that they needed a successor - some real fear / cowardice at play there..
// @streakmachine @jws
@gtwilson Well, World of Warcraft is probably ready for a ground up re-build in terms of texture maps, animation etc..
// @streakmachine @jws
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