A whole company?! Wow. Might be difficult to carry round with you?! ;-)

Barely?! :-)

Morning all.
1 sleep and about 28 hours to go… ;-)

Not entirely sure. A similar size perhaps, though she's big compared to her sister, so you never know!


We noticed how much she changed between our visits, and on some patchy videos we've been sent since - hard to believe that she'll continue growing so quickly for another month or two!


? I have my good camera ready to go, we'll see how much time I'm allowed for photography rather than play / feeding / house training / napping!!!


Also, for me, bacon should be dry-cured.. Too much cheap stuff around that shrinks to 1/3 size once you start cooking and all the water comes out!

// @kdfrawg

@kdfrawg I'm totally not currently aware it's 46 hours to go… ????


I can relate!

How's John & Jess?