@matigo My parents often sleep in different rooms if my dad’s snoring is too bad. I’ve booked a holiday cottage for later this year and have deliberately booked somewhere with an extra bedroom just in case!
@matigo Sleep! Generally if you’re asking yourself if you should go to bed, you should go to bed, from experience…
@indigo @pme I seem to recall that you use Fluid for mac? A new beta available. I’ve not gotten to my mac yet to try it.. https://fluidapp.com/beta/
@phoneboy I saw this, though it might be worth you checking out. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/may/20/fasting-diets-raise-risk-of-diabetes
@hazardwarning There’s some good information here: http://getdrafts.com/gettingstarted/overview.html
In particular: “We hope to bring Drafts to the Mac. A lot of work has been done in the Drafts 5 development cycle to prepare the app to move to the Mac, but we do not have anything to announce at this time.”
@hazardwarning I use it pretty much every day, so I’m happy to pay for it to be supported..
@hazardwarning Ahhh.. It was mentioned on the Upgrade podcast, so I thought it must have been out longer!