Thanks Jeremy, that’s done the job. :-)


Thanks Jeremy. I’ll check it out. Doesn’t seem to have a proper RSS podcast feed associated with it though, unfortunately - at least not one that Overcast would recognise.. :-(


I suspect it’s about data sensitivity / encryption.

Odette's just waiting on her Irish passport - due any day now. We'd then need to be resident in the island of Ireland (i.e. includes NI) for 3 years (I think - it's been a while since I last checked the specifics).


My dad had a frozen shoulder a few years back. He was told at least 6 months of the exercises to get it back up and running, but you will get there.. ~hug~


I guessed that. I was referring to ‘your’ customers as a representative of your day job.. ;-)

Congratulations.. Also, on behalf of your customers, most of who won’t care a damn, thanks for moving the data from US to the EU..

You need a new ISP - seems like they’re wanting to monetise your data..

Yeah.. :-s